Innovation day blog:started this on 11:22:30: wednesday: march 20th:2024

Here is my reflection on Innovation Day


We were asked to make a space that used renewable energy sources. We choose to use hydro electricity. We thought at the beginning we wanted to make a water wheel that could power something. We were scrambling for days trying to find a good model to make. Finally we settled on a good model. But we had to order things from India. our original model was going to be a DC motor attached to a water wheel. Then we wanted to add a motion sensor to sense when the water wheel was moving and that would turn on a light. but we didn’t have the right materials so we had to completely restart so we settled on this water-powered ferris wheel. The material we used was wood, DC motor(x2), computer fan, and a big plastic gallon bottle. I feel that our teamwork could have been better because my team ran to some problems that they were unable to resolve and needed my support. So they came up with the idea to make a ferris wheel. I was given an extension to work on my original idea.  I think I should have asked for help the day before the presentation. This is the lesson I have learned for next time. I think I  have learned lots of new ideas such as volts and watts and how to improvise when things don’t go to plan!

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